Did you run out of time to get herbal, homepathic and flower essences to support your beloveds through the fireworks and storms? Need more support of a different modality?
My dear friend and animal healer, Allecia Maine, has a fantastic solution you can DO right away for your dogs, cats, horses -- any beloved who is anixious or frightened. Here's Allecia's not-to-be-missed offer:
The Animal Firework Phobia Masterclass Training™ is designed to teach you 3 simple, yet proven Energy Alignment Techniques that relax your animal’s body and calm their nerves so they can reclaim their freedom from Firework Phobias with greater ease and you can both have a much more enjoyable day and night.
I will share with you my 3 proven strategies:
- The Just Breathe Technique™ to calm your nerves and theirs - In Sync Body Assessment Technique to address unrecognized tension in your animal’s body - White Wolf Authentic Female Energy Leadership to hold the proper energy for them to feel safe
As a Professional Holistic Dog Trainer, Master Animal Communicator and Body Alignment Expert with 27 years of experience, my promise to you is to provide you with proven natural tools that actually work.
If you are already preparing for the 4th in anticipation of your animals previous Firework Phobia reactions- give yourself and your animal the gift that keeps on giving of The Animal Firework Phobia Masterclass Training™.
I want to assist as many animal parents as possible to reclaim their freedom from Firework Phobia.
This training is $49.00, but today it’s only $19 for the 90-min training.
It’s available only until July 3rd so take advantage now and start preparing your animals today.
Sign Up Here: https://bit.ly/SignUpHere_FireworkPhobiaMasterClass
NOTE: Make sure to click "RETURN TO MERCHANT" after purchase to get the link to your class!!
Here’s to a peaceful July 4th!
With Love,
Allecia & Kate